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Founded in 2017 in Constanța, Southeast Romania, TEAM4Excellence (T4E) is a dynamic non-governmental organisation dedicated to improving socio-economic conditions and quality of life through research, education, and consulting. With a multidisciplinary team of educators, researchers, technicians, and managers, T4E produces and transfers knowledge, experience, and innovation through active collaboration within the quadruple helix model—academia, government institutions, industry, and civil society.

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Research Centre



Training Courses
















Welcome to our Innovative Learning and Research Laboratory

At the Innovative Learning and Research Laboratory (ILRL), we are driven by a mission to foster creativity, exchange knowledge, and develop skills that empower individuals and organisations to thrive in a world shaped by innovation, sustainability, and digital transformation.

Our laboratory serves as a dynamic hub for interdisciplinary collaboration, equipping educators, learners, and organisations with advanced tools, cutting-edge methodologies, and tailored resources to support research excellence and capacity building.

Our Vision

With a commitment to innovation and excellence, the ILRL is shaping the future of education and research, creating a collaborative space for ideas to flourish and impact to grow. Together, we enable individuals, educators, and organisations to achieve their goals and build a sustainable, knowledge-driven society.


To drive progress by advancing research and non-formal education, addressing societal challenges, and creating impactful solutions for a sustainable and inclusive future.


  • Promote innovation and knowledge exchange to unlock new opportunities and address complex societal needs.
  • Strengthen educational competencies empowering educators, learners, and content developers through training in advanced technologies and innovative teaching methodologies.
  • Support lifelong learning offering access to high-quality online courses to enable continuous growth and development.
  • Enhance Data-Driven Decision-Making: Conduct robust data mining, analysis, and repository development to generate actionable insights for academic and professional advancements.
  • Advance knowledge through interdisciplinary research to generate meaningful insights that support academic research and professional growth.

Visit our Research Profile

T4E is registered in the European research and technology infrastructure and employs standard and customised methodologies to conduct robust research activities: Qualitative and Quantitative research (data collections through interviews, focus groups, surveys, and systematic web scraping); Data analysis (using thematic and statistical methods, including text mining and literature reviews); Customised research solutions (tailor-made to address stakeholders’ needs).


Engage in the European Research and Technology Infrastructures System

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Research Organization Registry

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Discover our Research Services

At TEAM4Excellence, we are dedicated to advancing knowledge, fostering collaboration, and providing high-quality training solutions. Our research services are designed to support individuals, organisations, and institutions in their pursuit of innovation, sustainability, and educational excellence.

Research and Development

Research and Development
  • Conducting academic and applied research in fields like digital transformation, sustainable practices, and education methodologies.
  • Data collection, analysis, and reporting tailored to organisational needs.
  • Developing and testing innovative tools, including AI-driven solutions for education and business.
  • Develop high-quality, SCORM-compatible educational materials.

Networking and Collaboration

Networking and Collaboration
  • Hosting interdisciplinary research collaborations and innovation hubs.
  • Facilitating partnerships between educational institutions, businesses, and NGOs.
  • Organising events, including conferences, hackathons, and networking sessions.

Training and Workshops

Training and Workshops
  • Customised non-formal education workshops on topics like leadership, sustainability, and digital skills.
  • Certified training sessions for software tools such as VosViewer, AtlasTi, and R.
  • Training-of-Trainers (ToT) programmes for youth workers and educators.

Meet our Research Team


Nicoleta ACOMI, PhD


A researcher dedicated to driving innovation in education, sustainability, and digital transformation, she conducts academic and applied research while developing high-quality educational materials tailored to organisational and learner needs. With expertise in facilitating interdisciplinary collaborations and hosting events such as conferences and workshops, she empowers educators to become visionary leaders and agents of change.


  • 20+ years of academic, Associate Professor at Constanta Maritime University and Dean of the Faculty of Navigation.
  • A skilled project manager (PMP-certified) managing 20+ educational and research projects.
  • PhD in engineering, she authored 8 books and 80+ academic articles (30+ ISI) focusing on education, management, and teaching methodologies.
  • Organises and leads training and workshops on teaching and assessing methodology, digital skills, and leadership development.

ORCID | Scopus | Web of Science | ResearchGate | Google Scholar | BrainMap | LinkedIn




A researcher specialising in analytical research and AI-driven solutions for education and business. Mykyta focuses on developing data-driven methodologies for risk assessment and decision-making, contributing to the research centre’s mission of innovation and digital transformation. His expertise lies in predictive modelling, Bayesian networks, and AI applications that enhance educational methodologies and business strategies. Through applied research and advanced data analytics, he supports organisations in optimising risk management and improving digital learning environments.


  • Master’s degree in Engineering with a focus on software applications for environmental protection through GHG reduction measures.
  • Expertise in using Computer-assisted qualitative data analysis software (CAQDAS) for thematic coding, sentiment analysis, and pattern recognition in research projects.
  • Advanced capabilities for using AI applications in education and business and AI-powered tools for data collection, analysis, and reporting.

ORCID | Scopus | Web of Science | ResearchGate | Google Scholar | BrainMap | LinkedIn




A distinguished researcher with extensive expertise in management, organisational strategic development, and digital transformation. Ovidiu plays a key role in advancing the research centre’s mission by integrating innovative business strategies with emerging technologies. His work focuses on enhancing organisational performance, fostering interdisciplinary collaborations, and leading research-driven initiatives that support sustainable digital transformation. By bridging academia, business, and education, he contributes to strategic development, innovation hubs, and AI-driven solutions for business growth.


  • 20+ years of experience in corporate and academic research, specialising in strategic management and digital transformation.
  • MBA with merit in Oil and Gas, with a strong background in energy sector economics, business sustainability, and environmental strategies.
  • Provides data-driven insights for organisations, aligning with the centre’s expertise in business intelligence and AI-powered solutions.
  • Consultant and advisor for educational institutions and NGOs, supporting networking and collaboration initiatives.

ORCID | Scopus | Web of Science | ResearchGate | Google Scholar | BrainMap | LinkedIn | Credly


Aiatin ISMAIL, BSc


A dedicated junior researcher with a passion for developing interactive and high-quality educational materials. Aiatin focuses on integrating SCORM-compatible e-learning solutions to enhance digital education experiences. With a keen interest in instructional design, he creates engaging, learner-centred content for various educational and business applications.


  • Bachelor’s degree in Engineering, specialised in SCORM-compliant course development and e-learning platform optimisation.
  • Experience in instructional design, multimedia content creation, and gamification for online learning.
  • Collaborated on multiple projects involving digital education strategies and AI-enhanced learning experiences.

ORCID | Scopus | Web of Science | ResearchGate | Google Scholar | BrainMap | LinkedIn

Our Research Results





Face-to-face training courses

AI-Powered teaching for educators. Designed by the cooperative network of European teachers, our 5-day hands-on training is delivered in Romanian in Agigea, Constanța, to empower Romanian teachers and educators with practical AI skills. Through hands-on learning experiences, participants explore AI-driven tools and strategies to enhance classroom engagement, foster creativity, and boost student achievement. This interactive course equips educators with the confidence and knowledge to transform traditional teaching into dynamic, technology-enhanced learning environments.

Live online workshops

AI & Digital skills for educators. Especially delivered in Romanian, our 90-minute interactive online workshops provide practical, real-world applications of AI and digital tools for teachers and researchers. Led by an experienced instructional designer, these sessions offer immediate, actionable insights into AI-powered teaching, research enhancement, and modern educational strategies. For those new to AI or seeking to enhance their digital skills, live training offers an opportunity to reimagine education and remain at the forefront of a tech-driven world.

Free Online education

Learn Anytime, Anywhere. Access a diverse range of free online courses designed to boost confidence in technology, develop sustainability competencies, and nurture an entrepreneurial mindset. Available in Romanian and English, our self-paced courses include engaging e-books, videos, interactive activities, evaluation quizzes, and recognition certificates. Learners wishing to improve digital literacy, foster creativity, or develop essential skills for work and life are invited to create their own account and enroll in our open-access courses, which provide a flexible and engaging learning experience.


Blue Economy

The blue economy includes all economic activities related to oceans, seas and coasts. It covers a wide range of interlinked established sectors (e.g. shipping, offshore oil&gas, coastal tourism) and emerging sectors (e.g. offshore renewables, biotechnology). The blue economy is a priority of EU because it represents 3.5 million of jobs with 174 billion Euro gross value added.

At TEAM4Excellence, we are dedicated to advancing the blue economy through research and development, training, innovation, impact assessment, and consulting services. With expertise spanning maritime transport, renewable ocean energy, shipbuilding, fisheries, aquaculture and coastal tourism, we collaborate with industry stakeholders, policymakers, and educational institutions to foster sustainable growth and digital transformation. Our tailored solutions support businesses and communities in adopting innovative technologies, sustainable practices, and workforce upskilling to enhance competitiveness and resilience in maritime sectors. Through projects and strategic partnerships, we contribute to a greener, more efficient, and socially responsible maritime industry.

Fisheries, aquaculture and processing

Global seafood consumption has more than doubled in the past 50 years and has outpaced population growth (3.2 % v 1.6 %). The EU is the largest seafood market in the world. On average, the per capita consumption in the EU reached over 24 kg of seafood in 2016, of which the vast majority comes from wild catches while farmed seafood accounts for about one quarter of consumption.

Fishing is one of the oldest blue economy sectors, together with shipping. Nowadays, commercial fisheries include wild fisheries and fish farms. EU marine fisheries production reached almost 5.3 million tonnes in 2017, with a total value reported at €7.3 billion.

Aquaculture refers to the farming of fish, shellfish, algae and other aquatic organisms and takes place both in inland and marine waters. According to 2016 figures, about 75 000 people from around 12 500 businesses are directly employed in aquaculture in the EU.

The processing sector includes the preparation and preservation (freezing, drying, cooking, smoking, salting, canning, etc.) and the production (fish fillets, caviar, etc.) of fish, crustacean and mollusc products. The sector employs about 126 000 workers from around 3 800 businesses in the EU.

  Aquaculture sector Fishing boat Fishnprocessing

Coastal and maritime tourism

The coastal and maritime tourism sector has been identified as an area with special potential to foster a smart, sustainable and inclusive Europe. Employing more than 2.2 million people, the sector is by far the biggest employer in the blue economy (accounting for 54 % of jobs in the established blue economy sectors).

Tourism that is largely water-based rather than land-based (e.g. boating, yachting, cruising, nautical sports), but includes the operation of landside facilities, manufacturing of equipment, and services necessary for this segment of tourism. On the other hand, coastal tourism covers: ‘beach-based recreation and tourism (e.g. swimming, surfing, sun bathing), and non-beach related land-based tourism in the coastal area (all other tourism and recreational activities that take place in the coastal area for which the proximity of the sea is a condition), as well as the supplies and manufacturing industries associated to these activities.

Coastal and maritime tourism plays a significant role in the economic development of coastal regions. According to Eurostat, in 2017, coastal areas accounted for 45.7 % of the total nights spent in EU-28 tourist accommodation.

Coastal and maritime tourism Maritime tourism cruise ship Coastal tourism diving

Maritime transport, ports and shipbuilding

Most blue economy activities need ships and rely on ports and the shipping industry. The two main sectors of this industry, shipbuilding and maritime shipping, are interlinked and depend strongly on international markets.

In Europe, the sector has specialised in building high-value market vessels (mostly cruise ships) and technologically sophisticated ships. Smaller shipyards tend to specialise in fishing vessels or mega-yachts. The sector also produces marine equipment, marine machinery and navigation instruments, and provides products and services for ship maintenance, repair and conversion. Over 300 shipyards in EU account for about 6 % of the global market share in terms of tonnage and 19 % in terms of value on global order books, and up to 50 % for marine equipment. The sector employs about 315 000 people (8 % of jobs in the established blue economy).

The blue economy focuses on coastal, short sea and deep-sea shipping of both passengers and freight. Short sea shipping represents a third of intra-EU exchanges in tonne-kilometres and is crucial for quality of life on EU islands and in peripheral maritime regions. It employs about 232 000 people (6 % of jobs in the established blue economy). The sector also includes inland water transport and the rental and lease of water transport equipment.

The EU has about 1 200 maritime ports, handling about 4 billion tonnes of freight and serving 415 million ferry and cruise passengers every year. Port activities include cargo handling, warehousing and storage, construction of water projects and services relating to water transportation. Directly or indirectly, EU seaports support about 2.5 million jobs, of which the blue economy employs more than half a million people (14 % of jobs in the established blue economy).

Blue economy Constanta port Maritime transport ports and shipbuilding Blue economy Damen Mangalia shipyard

Marine extraction of oil, gas and minerals

The marine extraction of minerals, oil and gas is one of the most established economic sectors of the blue economy. It represents around 13 % (€22.8 billion) of the gross value added (GVA) of the established blue economy, although it accounts for only 4 % of the jobs (162 374 people). The extraction of minerals accounts for half of employment, followed by support activities (combined – 28 %), offshore oil (13 %) and then natural gas (9 %).

The development of new and more efficient subsea exploitation systems could provide something of a boost to the sector in future, while recent increases in hydrocarbon (oil and gas) prices might make offshore reserves more economically viable.

As offshore oil and gas reserves in the North Sea have been depleted, the decommissioning business for offshore oil and gas platforms is estimated at around €30 billion over the next 30 years. Therefore, decommissioning has become both an environmental challenge and an important motor of the blue economy.

Marine extraction of oil, gas and minerals Blue economy pipelay vessel Blue economy offshore support vessel

Offshore wind and ocean energy

Offshore wind is the most advanced of the emerging and innovative sectors of the blue economy. Employment in the sector continues to grow and was estimated at around 210 000 jobs, just over half of the total employment in the broader wind energy sector. Electricity produced from offshore wind serves more than 10 million households in the EU. Most installed capacity is located in the UK (44%) and Germany (34%), but offshore wind is also a growing sector in Denmark, Belgium, and the Netherlands.

Wind energy accounted for 60% of total new investments in power capacity in Europe, far exceeding all other energy sources. In the EU, the offshore wind capacity is set to increase at least fourfold by 2030, which would put offshore wind on track to become the EU’s largest source of electricity in the 2040s.

The ocean energy sector (tidal and wave power) is rather small in the EU but holds considerable promise. However, tidal and wave power have the greatest potential capacity of all renewable energy sources. Currently over 430 companies in the EU accounting for an estimated 2 250 jobs are involved in different stages of the ocean energy supply chain.

Blue economy tidal energy generator Blue economy solar ocean energy Blue economy offshore wind


Driving Transformation with the EFQM Model

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T4E is a member of EFQM. Becoming a member of the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) signifies our commitment to continuous improvement, excellence, and sustainable performance. By joining EFQM since 2027, TEAM4Excellence demonstrates a dedication to adopting best practices, engaging in continuous learning, and striving for excellence in all operations. This membership reflects a proactive approach to achieving long-term success and sustainability.

The European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) is a non-profit organisation established in 1989 by European business leaders, with the aim of enhancing the competitiveness of European businesses.

The EFQM Model

It has never been easier to join our community! All you need is a genuine desire to support VET education before signing a cooperation agreement with our European consortium. Entering the Green Hive Community of Practice is free of charge and there is no hidden cost (e.g. taxes, membership fees, etc.). Please get in touch with us to provide you the draft agreement.

EFQM developed the EFQM Model, a globally recognised management framework designed to help organisations manage change and improve performance.
The EFQM Model is structured around three central questions:

  1. Why: Why does the organisation exist?
  2. How: How does the organisation intend to achieve its purpose and implement its strategy?
  3. What: What has the organisation achieved so far, and what does it aim to achieve in the future?

These questions are further explored through seven criteria, divided into three categories.



  • Purpose, Vision, and Strategy: Establishing a clear purpose, aspirational vision, and effective strategy.
  • Organisational Culture and Leadership: Fostering a culture that supports the organisation’s purpose and demonstrating effective leadership.


  • Engaging Stakeholders: Identifying and engaging key stakeholders to build trust and accountability.
  • Creating Sustainable Value: Delivering long-term value to stakeholders by adapting products, services, and solutions as needed.
  • Driving Performance and Transformation: Balancing current performance with the ability to adapt and transform for future success.


  • Stakeholder Perceptions: Assessing feedback from stakeholders regarding their experiences with the organisation.
  • Strategic and Operational Performance: Evaluating the organisation’s effectiveness in achieving its purpose and strategy.

Organisations can use the EFQM Model for benchmarking performance, driving transformation programmes, managing risks, building a new business, creating and improving your sustainability plans and understanding organisational maturity.

T4E is Certified Recognition Organisation (CRO) Partner

As a CRO, TEAM4Excellence is licensed by the EFQM to conduct assessments necessary for external EFQM recognition. The EFQM assessments range from a simple Questionnaire or a Rapid Organisation Diagnostic self-assessment, up to Qualified by EFQM or Recognised by EFQM external assessment.

As an EFQM CRO, T4E demonstrates its proficiency in applying the EFQM Model and its commitment to promoting excellence among organisations. This designation indicates that T4E has met EFQM’s stringent criteria, enabling it to assess and recognise other organisations’ performance levels. Additionally, as a CRO, T4E can purchase and resell licence for EFQM’s digital platforms, such as AssessBase and KnowledgeBase, further supporting organisations in their continuous improvement journeys.

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Business Model Canvas.

Turning Ideas into Sustainable Businesses


What is Business Model Canvas

The Business Model Canvas (BMC) is a strategic tool that helps entrepreneurs and businesses design, validate, and refine their business models in a structured and visual way. By mapping out key components such as value propositions, customer segments, revenue streams, and cost structures, BMC enables organisations to develop a clear and sustainable path to success.

How do we apply it

At TEAM4Excellence, we use the BMC to support a wide range of business ideas, from early-stage concepts to growth-oriented strategies. Our approach helps startups, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs), and solo entrepreneurs clarify their business vision, assess market fit, and refine their business models for long-term sustainability. Whether you are launching a new product, pivoting an existing business, or seeking investment, we guide you through the BMC framework to ensure your business is viable and competitive.

Our experience

We have extensive experience working with MSMEs, solo entrepreneurs, and aspiring business owners. Our mentors have also supported entrepreneurs through the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme, helping them develop their business ideas, build strong foundations, and navigate the challenges of entrepreneurship. Through tailored guidance and practical insights, we empower entrepreneurs to turn their ideas into sustainable and impactful businesses.

Expert Project Management

At TEAM4Excellence, our Project Management Office (PMO) follows the globally recognised PMI (Project Management Institute) framework and the PMBOK (Project Management Body of Knowledge) Guide to ensure the successful initiation, planning, execution, monitoring, control, and closure of projects. Our structured approach helps achieve project objectives efficiently, manage risks effectively, and deliver high-quality results on time and within budget.

Our certified Project Management Professionals (PMPs) bring 20+ years of experience in leading and managing projects across various industries. Whether handling complex international collaborations, European-funded initiatives, or business transformation projects, we apply best practices to drive efficiency, innovation, and measurable impact. With TEAM4Excellence, you can trust in a proven project management methodology that turns ideas into successful, sustainable outcomes.

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